Tuesday, August 12, 2008

He is near

Last Sunday, I deviated from my normal routine of hearing mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral and went instead to St. Benedict's. It did not occur to me that going there would entail a long walk--as in more than one kilometer. It took me more than 30 minutes to reach the church and since I did not anticipate the long distance, the priest was already reading the gospel when I arrived.

What made this first mass in St. Benedict's memorable for me is the song that was played during the communion. I heard it first in St. Patrick's and I heard it again in that first mass that I attended at St. Benedict's. The song is called "You are Near" and I put the lyrics below. (Click on the link to hear the song.)

I found the song and the words inspiring that I left St. Benedict's that Sunday morning full of optimism and joy for I know that there is a God who would always take care of me.

Next week, I'd be turning three months here. A lot has happened within those months. I had the opportunity of traveling to the South Island and Wellington, and to some suburban areas of Auckland. I already have some friends here and I have adjusted more or less to the life in Down Under. But many times, I would feel lonely and miss home especially my family and friends. I miss the company of people who know me, and who love and accept me unconditionally despite my flaws. I miss the kind of friendship that I have with those back home.

I am humming this song as I write this. And it gives me a great amount of solace knowing that He is near to guide me in this journey and to keep me company.

* You Are Near
Music and Lyric by Dan Schutte S.J.

Yahweh I know You are near
Standing always by my side
You guard me from the foe
And you lead me in ways everlasting

1. Lord you have searched my heart
And You know when I sit and when I stand
Your hand is upon me
Protecting me from death
Keeping me from harm
2. Where can I run from Your love
It I climb to the heavens You are there
If I fly to the sunrise
Or sail beyond the sea
You would still be there
3. You know my heart and its ways
You who formed me before I was born
In the secret of darkness
Before I saw the sun
In my mother’s womb
4. Marvelous to me are Your works
How profound are Your thoughts my Lord
Even if I could count them
They number as the stars
You would still be there

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